Welcome to KeyClean Property Services S.L.
By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions set below.
KeyClean owns the right to change prices, make additions to the general terms and conditions.
These shall not affect the fixed contract price paid for Keyholding/Supervision package during the current contract period.
Contract period
The written agreement is valid for 12 months at a time, counted from the agreed start date and from renewal of the agreement.
If the customer chooses to terminate the agreement earlier and used KeyClean's services without having paid the full amount, payment for the remaining contract period will be added. This also includes any discounts or offers that have been used when signing the contract.
The assessment is made on a case-by-case basis.
Payment terms
The customer must pay KeyClean compensation for service performed according to current prices/fees. These can be found on our website or via quotation. Invoicing takes place according to an invoice with 20-day payment terms
If the customer has an unpaid delayed invoice, KeyClean reserves the right to cancel future services until the invoice is paid. Delayed payment may result in additional costs.
Property Inspection
Inspections that would normally occur during weeks 52-53 will instead be carried out either during week 51 or week 1, depending on the expiration of the agreement.
Customer is responsible for keeping their property insured.
KeyClean is responsible for having liability insurance for work in your home
Personal Safety
KeyClean does not carry out any tasks that may endanger personal safety or health. However, we can be helpful in directing our customers to the right instance. Examples of such assignments can be:
Force Majeure;
If something occurs that KeyClean cannot influence, such as fire, injury/illness or other circumstance that means that KeyClean cannot fulfill its commitment, this agreement relieves KeyClean of its contractual commitment for the time that the condition prevails.
The customer is responsible for informing the customer if the interior is particularly sensitive to certain cleaning agents when booking a cleaning service.
If damage is caused by KeyClean, this shall be remedied primarily by repair and secondarily by compensation corresponding to the damage.
Home order
If you as a customer wish to order goods home, we can be on site to receive this. We then charge a fee for opening as well as a fee per started "waiting hour". The first hour is free.
In order to be helpful with this, you need;
Please note that this service is not available at KeyClean during holidays and between May - September, when we have the most to do.
KeyClean does not accept customer orders directly to KeyClean. This is because we work primarily in the field with our customers and do not have the opportunity to receive customer deliveries to the company. If orders are desired, this is made directly to the customer.
Delivery of key
KeyClean charges a fee for each individual key delivery/retrieval. It is the customer's responsibility to inform KeyClean when a handyman has completed their work so that we can make an appointment to retrieve the key. You may see our prices on our website about additional services.
Waste management
Unfortunately, KeyClean is not able to handle the removal of rubbish, garden waste, broken furniture or the like themselves. However, we can help by referring you to the right contacts and, if possible, help with opening. Not applicable during holidays and between May and September.
We charge for our time
When you as a customer give KeyClean an assignment, we start charging per hour when the assignment begins. You can see current hourly billing on our website about additional services.
Booking conditions for cleaning
To ensure good planning and access to our services, we ask you as a customer to have good foresight, especially important during the period May - September.
KeyClean reserves the right to refuse the assignment when it conflicts with the business's planning.
Bookings made with a planning horizon of 2 months and more in advance may need to be adjusted or canceled in the event of unforeseen events. Of course, we strive to carry out our assignment to the fullest, but should this happen against all odds, we will try to notify the customer as early as possible and find an alternative solution.
What is included in cleaning?
You may read on our website what is included in regular cleaning, more information is to be found on our page additional services under cleaning.
If other requests are requested outside of regular cleaning, this will be charged extra as a general property service per started hour.
The home is left by the guest/owner as below:
Please note that according to regulations in the Valencia/Murcia region, fines may be issued if garbage is disposed of at incorrect times. If KeyClean were to receive such a fine in connection with the handling of your assignment, this cost will be charged to you as a customer. We therefore urge you to always follow local regulations for waste disposal.
Overtime compensation
Double billing for cleaning is charged if KeyClean accepts assignments during the period below:
For example, if cleaning usually costs €60, this one costs €120
Swedish Midsummer Eve
We also need time to recover in order to continue delivering high quality work. When we are on vacation, we therefore do not accept any cleaning assignments, but we make sure to have a back-up available to handle emergency situations, such as a water leak.
In conclusion
Thank you for taking the time to read through our terms and conditions! We know it might feel a bit dry, but it's important to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Hope everything was clear, and if you have any questions or concerns, you're always welcome to reach out to us.
We're here to help!
Additional conditions when renting out your home
For you who rent out your home against payment, the additional conditions below also apply.
Decline assignment
KeyClean reserves the right to decline assignments when it conflicts with the business's planning.
If KeyClean cannot accept your reservation, you will need to resolve it elsewhere.
There must be fixed hours for earliest check-in and latest check-out, towards your guests
Changes to earliest check-in/latest check-out hours must be notified at least 7 days before the guest's arrival towards KeyClean. In case of default, KeyClean has the right to cancel the assignment or charge an extra fee of €50 if it affects the business.
Examples of changes can be: Customer changes hours for earliest check-in/latest check-out, does not inform about late check-in/out, allows guest to check-in/out whenever they want, extends the stay in last minute without coordination with their Keyholder.
Clear information
The customer must provide their Keyholder with clear information about upcoming rentals according to the template below and not keep the information longer than necessary. The information must be presented in a legible manner and include the information below;
Rental period
Flight number (if available)
Name of person who booked
Phone number
Number of people
If the guests check in/out themselves without contact with KeyClean, the following information must be presented;
Rental period
Number of people
At least 5 hours between check-in/check-out on the same day during (May – September). This is to allow enough time for cleaning/laundry/in-check-out and to deal with possible delays. We will of course contact the customer if it is possible to check in earlier.
Customer is responsible for having a working vacuum cleaner/washing machine and providing supplies/guest equipment to their guests for their comfort during their stay.
KeyClean can assist with the purchase of items for guests for a fee
Forgotten things
If guests forget things that they wish to get back, they contact the owner of the home first.
KeyClean can help arrange the logistics of the lost item back to its owner for a fee.
The customer is asked to give sufficient notice if access is needed for maintenance, repairs or other matters. Urgent matters during the guest's stay are handled to the best of our ability.
Inventory counting
KeyClean does not perform an inventory count, but notifies if clear losses have been discovered.
Ankommer du
Mitt i natten?
En dag då allt är stängt?
Genom att förbeställa ett frukostpaket behöver du inte spendera tid på att handla livsmedel eller planera frukosten nästa morgon. Du kan istället vakna upp direkt utan att behöva tänka på matinköp.
Exempel på välkomstpaket
Exempel på frukostpaket
Du kan välja efter fritt val (Max 10 varor). Om butiken inte har det du vill ha/eller du inte väljer något, så plockar vi efter de vanligaste beställningarna.
För detta betalar du 30€ + kvittokostnad (Ej RUT berättigat). Kvittokostnaden betalar du kontant efter inköpet medan tjänsten för leveransen faktureras.
Vi levererar inte paketet mellan 22-26, 31 dec och 1 januari men du kan förbeställa för leverans några dagar innan.
Visste du att mellan december - februari är det som kallast i Torrevieja? Och att temperaturen kan droppa till under 10 grader på kvällen.
Om du inte har direkt sol i din bostad så är sannolikt din bostad kall när du kommer ner.
Vi erbjuder nu ett uppvärmningspaket till våra kunder som kan nyttjas under dessa kalla månader (dec - februari), vilket innebär att vi gör en tillsyn där vi startar igång din bostad genom att;
För detta betalar du 40€ (RUT berättigat)
Vi levererar inte paketet mellan 22-26, 31 dec och 1 januari men du kan förbeställa för leverans några dagar innan.
Under våra år i Spanien har vi samlat på oss kontakter till olika hantverkare.
Om du som befintlig kund önskar hjälp med att få tag på en hantverkare, hjälper vi dig gärna!
Vi kan även hjälpa till att släppa in hantverkare när du inte är på plats.
Kontakta oss för mer information!
Till störrre arbeten inom nedan områden tar vi in auktoriserade företag.
+34 636 886719
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Made by KeyClean property services S.L